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Make a Planning Application

Information and guidance on how to submit a Planning Application within the Vale of Glamorgan. 


Submit a planning application online

The quickest and easiest way to submit a planning application is online via the link below:


Planning Portal


Submit a planning application by post or email 

Download application forms via the link below:


Application Forms


Planning Application Fees 


Application Fees


Fees can be paid online via the below button. Make sure you select Other Income from the Service List, then Planning, then Application Fee.


Pay Online


You can also pay over the phone, by contacting our Call Centre on:

  • 01446 700111



Advice on making a planning application


Validation Checklist


How Decisions are Made

Most applications are determined by the Chief Planning Officer. The larger or potentially more controversial applications are determined by the Planning Committee.


Planning applications will be assessed against national and local planning policies

Major Applications

(Defined as 10 or more dwellings, site area is 0.5 hectares or more, or where new floorspace exceeds 1000 square metres)


Pre-Application Consultation

Developers must submit a Pre Application Consultation (PAC) report for any “major” development.


Detailed guidance can be found on the Welsh Government website Section 17 of the Planning Wales Act 2015


To assist developers in undertaking consultations, a list of all Town and Community Councils can be found here, Ward Members here and Specialist Consultees here


The Council can assist developers in hosting information for their Pre-Application Consultation if they make a formal request for Pre-Application advice.


Notification of Commencement of Development

When a developer wishes to commence their major  development, they must complete and submit a ‘Notification of initiation of development’ form


In addition, a site notice and location plan must be displayed at the development from the date the development commences.


Please Note: When making a planning application, the forms, plans and supporting information will be available to the public.